February 2025 by couponlab
If you purchased anything at Harbor Freight Tools between April 8, 2011, and December 15, 2016, you might be eligible for a rebate. The company recently settled a class-action lawsuit that charged them with misrepresenting the discounts on products by misstating the pre-discount prices. Harbor Freight disputes this charge, but they still settled.
To file a claim for your rebate, you’ll need either a receipt with a “YOU SAVED” amount on the bottom or a copy of a credit card statement with Harbor Freight purchases on it. If you have neither of these things but you still purchased something from Harbor Freight, you can still file a claim and be eligible for a $10 Harbor Freight gift card.
Folks with an itemized receipt from a Harbor Freight store are eligible for 20% of the “YOU SAVED” amount back in cash or 30% in store credit. Credit card statements qualify filers for a cash rebate worth 10% of the entire purchase or 12% in store credit. Claims without receipts must be filed by mail, and those with receipts or statements can be filed online. You must file by August 7, 2017, to be accepted. If you want the fine print, you can read it here, and if you want to file a claim, go here.