1. Limited Edition Releases
The biggest brands for basketball shoes often build demand and excitement for their company by offering limited edition designs or color schemes. These designs usually tie into the team colors or numbers of popular basketball and football players. Very limited numbers of these shoes are made available to the public, and one retailer is often picked to offer the entire run. FinishLine.com has hosted a number of limited edition sales for brands like Air Jordan and Nike. Shopping with this company gives you a chance to snatch a pair of sneakers that might become worth twice as much as you spent on them because of their rarity.
2. Simple Returns
Sometimes the shoes you pick just don't fit correctly. This is one of the main challenges of shopping for athletic shoes online. Running & sport shoes must be comfortable or you can damage the muscles of your feet during heavy training sessions. If the pair you recently ordered from FinishLine.com does not fit perfectly, it is easy to return them. FinishLine has hundreds of stores across the country and you are welcome to return shoes ordered online to one of these locations. This will allow you to make an exchange, which is not possible through online ordering alone. Simply call the customer service line and receive authorization to ship your shoes back and receive a refund.
3. Finish Line Coupons
Many online retailers have discontinued their acceptance of coupon and discount codes due to abuse. Coupons that were meant for a specific group of customers were used incorrectly, costing the companies thousands of dollars. FinishLine.com still issues and accepts coupon codes. These codes can be found on the company's blog or through their email newsletter. At any given time, there may be dozens of coupons available for specific shoe categories or brands. Most knock up to 20% off of your order. When you combine these discounts with free shipping and everyday low prices, you will end up saving a lot of money by shopping with FinishLine.

4. Variety
There are thousands of athletic shoe brands, but only a few are widely sold in America. FinishLine.com carries some of the best brands that other stores skip over. If you want a greater variety to choose from, the company's website will give you hundreds of brands and dozens of categories. You can pick up a pair of Air Jordan basketball shoes, Polo riding boots and Nike flip flops in one order. This makes it easy to outfit your entire family with new shoes for the summer or winter. Since sizes run differently with specific manufacturers, FinishLine has accurate sizing information available for each new brand it adds. This allows you to measure your feet for the perfect fit.
5. Finish Line Free Shipping
Shipping costs can add up quickly when you find dozens of pairs of shoes you really want to order. FinishLine.com is constantly rotating a wide range of items that qualify for free shipping. Adding an item with free shipping to an order with other items still adds a discount to the total shipping cost. Each week new items are added to the category and others are removed. Many of the clearance shoes, often new items that are simply out of season, are even more affordable due to the lack of shipping costs. If the pair of shoes you have your heart set on does not qualify, shipping is still inexpensive at just $6.99 for the first pair and $1.99 for each additional pair.
6. Winner's Circle Rewards Program
FinishLine.com appreciates its dedicated customer base and works hard to reward them. Signing up for the Winner's Circle Rewards Program enters you into a world of special discounts and athletic shoe updates. You will receive discount codes that are redeemable both in stores and online. Each purchase will also reward you with points that add up to big savings. Each $200 you spend will reward you with $20 of in-store cash. With all of the hot brands offered by FinishLine it is easy to reach this milestone with one purchase.
7. 15 Day Test Run
The company understands that some pairs of shoes require even more testing before you can decide if they are suitable for your training regime. Technical running and toning shoes often feel fine during your first run, but develop pressure points or loose areas during the second use. FinishLine has a special program to help you order technical running shoes online. The 15 Day Test Run gives you a full 15 days to try out certain brands. If you are not satisfied, return the shoes for a full refund. Other types of athletic shoes only qualify for returns if they have not been used.
8. Style and Function
Most athletic shoe retailers focus solely on performance. They only stock the most popular brands among hobby and professional athletes. While this is great for football players or runners, it leaves normal individuals out. FinishLine offers both stylish and functional footwear to appeal to both groups of consumers. This allows you to pick pairs that work off the court and on. You'll receive your footwear in one order and go through the checkout process once, instead of shopping around at four or five other retailers to get what you need.