How To De-clutter And Make Money

October 2024 by couponlab

Removing clutter from a home to clean it up can be difficult for many people because they cannot bear the idea of simply throwing away possessions that still work but have not been used for some time. Wouldn’t it be easier to part with some of those belongings if a bit of money could also be made? These days, several options are available to de-clutter a home and make money, especially with the Internet.


Many people want to remove the clutter from their homes but become overwhelmed just thinking about where to start. Rather than give in to the impulse to put the task off to another day, remember some of these tips:

  • Start – The most important thing is to begin doing it and begin as soon as possible. It is surprising how easy it is to keep de-cluttering after it has started.
  • A room at a time – Pick one room and start there. It could be the room that is the most cluttered or the least. Only after a room is finished, move on to the next room. Jumping from room to room will make it seem like nothing is ever getting accomplished.
  • Collect the possessions – If the secondary goal is to make some money selling the unwanted possessions, they will need to be collected and stored somewhere. The best chance of making money is to sell items in good condition.


There are many avenues available for selling items that are no longer wanted by their original owners but may be helpful for somebody else.

  • Garage sales – The traditional garage sale is still an excellent option to make money on unwanted possessions. The advantage is that all the items can be collected and displayed in one place for others to view. Advertise the sale in the local newspaper by highlighting some of the best things to draw as big a crowd as possible.
  • Classified ads – For some possessions, such as an older appliance that still works, offering it for sale in the newspaper’s classified ad section may be a better option. Often, people will list an asking price but accept the best offer.
  • eBay – The online auction dealer provides a place for all sorts of items to be offered for sale. The advantage of eBay is that the seller can set an amount of time for the auction to last and that interested bid on them, with the highest bid being the winner. The disadvantage is that items may sell for less than expected unless a reserve price is set.
  • Facebook – Several groups have popped up on Facebook in which people list items they want to sell, and those that are interested make an offer or agree to the price. The groups are usually regionalized.

Making money while de-cluttering can make the process easier and seem even more worthwhile. If done on a regular basis, it can be a new source of extra income for the family.

There are several ways to make money by getting rid of the clutter in your home. The simplest way is by selling what you don’t need anymore. You can sell items on eBay or even organize a garage sale or flea market – both of which will give you excellent access to customers looking for stuff. If certain things don’t sell due to their condition, donate them instead, as many charities accept donations of used goods.